Workplace Wellness is becoming increasingly important in today’s changing world. With higher levels of stress than ever before, today’s workforce needs their employer to provide the necessary tools of engagement for a healthier mind and body, thus creating a happier and more productive employee. Statistics have proven that when people are happier, they are more engaged at work.
Holistic and Engaging
Through creating a holistic and engaging approach to Wellness within the workplace, you are fostering a reciprocal relationship of encouragement with your employees. Gone are the days of a strict focus on just the company reputation or the work itself. Today’s society recognizes that employees are what make a company great. The well-being of those employees needs to be put front and center by every organization. By providing tools and resources that benefit their well-being, you are showing your employees that you care about their health and wellness, which trickles down to their families as well. When an employee feels valued at work, they are more likely to feel happier in the workplace, and subsequently, will perform better at their job, they will have a more positive attitude towards coming to work and a stronger, more positive relationship with the workplace is the result. It’s a win-win.
Integrated Elements
A holistic approach to Wellness needs to include many elements, such as Mental Well-Being, Nutrition, Physical Fitness, Financial Health and a Spiritual Well-Being element as well. Research is showing us that an attitude of gratitude, when integrated among these other elements of a Wellness program, can do just as much good towards one’s well-being.
Forward Thinking
This approach must also be forward-thinking. An employer needs to know their workforce culture. Proven social media programs, which foster a community of partnerships and continual interest, are being used by modern companies to draw in participants and keep them interested in the programs. The modern day employee needs to be able to access information on their own schedule.
Led by Example
Employers also need to lead by example, engaging their senior managers in Wellness Programs and thus inspiring their employees’ participation. Incentives are another a great way to keep your employees engaged in Wellness. Research shows that 4 out of 5 employees are likely to participate when incentives are offered, such as points systems within the workplace or workplace rewards.
A Measure of Success
Lastly, a successful program in Wellness not only tracks registrations but also measures success. Employees engaged in their own health cost companies less money in time off work, usage of employee assistance programs and benefit costs. Wellness programs are one of the best returns on investment your company can buy.
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